Sunday, January 1, 2012

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Policies For Growth & Stability of Pakistan’s Economy 

Economic growth and stability are the basic objectives of any government. Macroeconomic policies areformulated to achieve these economic objectives. Performance of    political administration can be easily gauged by their success in achievement of the following economy objectives:
  • Price stability & Inflation control
  • Employment
  • Growth in National Production
  • Balance of Payment Equilibrium
  • Stability in Financial Sector
Failure Analysis of Primary Health Care in Pakistan & Recommendations for Change

Primary health care is defined as
"essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and the country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-determination".
Eradicating Corruption

Pakistan has one of the highest rates of corruption in the entire world. Bribe Payers Survey 2008 carried out by Transparency Intl. showed that the actions of the government in Pakistan’s fight against corruption were seen as ineffective by 72% people whereas the same value for India stood at 42%.

Pakistan Economic Research Report

The aim of the report is to analyze the current Pakistani economic state and provide guidance towards a socio economic policy in line with the manifesto of the party. An extensive secondary research was carried out examining and presenting various viewpoints. The development challenges for Pakistan include a complete overhaul of the current economic system....
Economic Restructuring in Pakistan
Leaders who led the feeble skeleton of Pakistan’s politics crippled the state by  implementing economic reforms of International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. By meeting their conditions, they have become powerless, as West has been using them for their own interests. The involvement of West in policy making has blemished the concept of transparency, accountability and fair decisions in state
affairs. Thus, corrupt ruling class dare to govern the state. Whereas, the military intervention in politics has been impediment in institution building because of fragile civil rule. The economic reforms have been conveniently implemented in periods of dictators, not only in Pakistan but in other countries also.